Systeme D

February 16, 2011

Toyota YP07CDF

This post comes to you courtesy of a cyclist who is, mercifully, still just about three-dimensional.

But that’s no thanks to the driver of silver Toyota YP 07 CDF, who half an hour ago managed to very nearly both knock me off and then flatten me in quite the most dangerous display of fucktarded driving I have ever experienced in Burton-on-Trent. (And that’s saying something.)

Should, at any point in the future, Mr YP07 CDF try to sell his car, and any prospective purchasers Google* the car registration, let this be a warning to them that (a) if this standard of driving is anything to go by, it’s probably shot to pieces; (b) the bloke is an utter cretin and deserves not one cent of your money; and (c) you will probably find sadomasochistic bestial porn in the boot and a copy of Mein Kampf under the driver’s seat.

Am I quite cross? I am quite cross.

* other search engines are available

One Response to “Toyota YP07CDF”

  1. Sympathies – you must be quite shocked (and pissed off).

    The owner of that YP07 CDF should be ashamed.

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