Systeme D

Downloadable UK base map

We have put together a fully vectorised UK base map from public domain sources which you are welcome to download and use for whatever purpose you like.

The map is in Illustrator 10 format (fully compatible with CS and CS2). It is a big (23Mb) file and needs to be 'unzipped' before use (just double-click).

Features are:

  • Elevation layers at 50m intervals (from NASA SRTM data)
  • Built-up area layer (from Digital Chart of the World)
  • Coastline (generally rough data from NASA, but some areas supplemented with some good quality data traced from the New Popular Edition)
  • Aligned to the National Grid

Click to download

Please download and keep a copy for future use, rather than downloading again and again, to help save web hosting bandwidth!

The map is from public domain data and we claim no further copyright. If you would like to contribute any additions back so that other cartographers can share them, do e-mail us.


If this doesn't fulfil your needs, here are some alternatives:
